
Course Content

  1. Linear Algebera
  2. Ordinary Differential Equations
  3. Vector Calculus
  4. Laplace Transforms



Coursework Marks

Course Information

Lecturer: T. Mutusva

Office : W16

Email :

Phone : +263242 741428-30 Ext 2372

Website : https://tnmutusva.github.io/course

Facebook: @hitmathematics

Assessment shall comprise of 4 in class tests, one assignment and an end of semester examination. The end of semester examination counts 75%, and the continuous assessment counts 25% towards the final mark. Only those who score an average of 50% in the 4 tests will be allowed to write the end of semester examination. All tests and the exam are mandatory. Discuss any potential conflicts well before the quiz/test/exam date.